Bulletin of Geography
Socio-economic Series
ISSN 1732 - 4254 quarterly

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On the necessity of the history of geographical thought.

  • Witold Wilczyński - Pedagogical university of Cracow, Poland

  • Keywords
    Polish geography, history and philosophy of geography, education, social relevance

    Studies in the area of history and philosophy of geography have disappeared in Poland for the last fifty years. The aim of this paper is to restore its importance and show reasons for its revival. They can be found in societal, scientific, and educational contexts in which we practice geography. History of geographical thought contains numerous ideas which could be useful in activities aimed at understanding and reconciling different visions of reality, since geography is the study of diversity, understood as a source of unity. The most popular example of this is the fundamental principle of classical geography "Unity in diversity", that has been accepted as the banner slogan of contemporary Europe. This example shows that the history of geographical thought is the reservoir of ideas, which still await their rediscovery. It should be also utilized to restore geography's identity and rationale, as well as to create new lines of thought which could make geography a socially relevant field.


    Any comments please send to: Stefania Środa-Murawska.

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