Bulletin of Geography
Socio-economic Series
No. 17 / June 2012, semiannual
Ekaterina Antipova, Liudmila Fakeyeva -
Demographic processes in rural areas of Belarus: geographical structure and spatial dynamics
Marcin Bogdański -
Socio-economic potential of Polish cities - a regional dimension
Manolis Christofakis, Maria Tsampra -
Opportunities and restrictions for the local-endogenous development in metropolitan areas of high industrial concentration: the case of Thriasio Pedio in Attica
Waldemar Cudny -
Socio-economic transformation of small towns in East Germany after 1990 - Colditz case study
Anna Grzegorczyk -
Socio-spatial diversity of Marseille at the turn of the 21st century
Krzysztof Janc -
Possibilities of hyperlink application in spatial research
Izabela Kapera -
Tourism and recreation as areas of collaboration between local governments and Gorce National Park
Sławomir Kurek and Milena Lange -
Urbanisation and changes in fertility pattern in Poland and in the selected countries of Western and Southern Europe
Mohamed Olaitan Lawal and Ibrahim Rotimi Aliu -
Operational pattern and contribution of urban farming in an emerging megacity: evidence from Lagos, Nigeria
Chavdar Mladenov and Margarita Ilieva -
The depopulation of the Bulgarian villages
Jerzy J. Parysek and Lidia Mierzejewska -
Trajectories of the demographic development of Poland after 1989
Daniel Peptenatu, Radu Pintilii, Cristian Draghici and Alina Peptenatu -
The efficiency of polycentric development strategies in the context of economic crisis. Case study - the development of Southwest Oltenia region - Romania
Maria Soja -
Population redistribution in the Polish Carpathians during the 19th and 20th centuries
Elżbieta Sojka -
Demographic potential of the countries that have applied for the European Union membership
List of reviewers
Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series Homepage
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Stefania Środa-Murawska
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