Bulletin of Geography
Socio-economic Series
ISSN 1732 - 4254 quarterly

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The scale and the dynamics of permanent migration in rural and peri-urban areas in Poland - some problems.

  • Jadwiga Biegańska - Nicolaus Copernicus University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Department of Urban Studies and Regional Development, Lwowska 1, 87-100 Toruń, Poland
  • Daniela Szymańska - Nicolaus Copernicus University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Department of Urban Studies and Regional Development, Lwowska 1, 87-100 Toruń, Poland

    Poland, rural areas, peri-urban areas, permanent migration, conterurbanisation

    This article refers to the analysis and the evaluation of permanent migration as observed in rural areas of Poland, especially in peri-urban areas of the Polish cities between the years 1995 and 2011. The article covered all 2,173 rural and rural-urban (excluding urban parts) gminas in the country. In the article there were shown what are the migration volumes and dynamics in rural areas and what is the situation of large cities' peri-urban areas in terms of permanent migration.



  • Any comments please send to: Stefania Środa-Murawska.

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